Bible Sunday
Today is National Bible Sunday, a day that falls on different days, and means something different, depending on your denomination and country. So to be precise, it is actually ONE of the Bible Sundays. While some folks remember observing it during their childhood, there isn’t a whole lot of information available about this day online, but there is a helpful suggestion on the National Today website to “dust off your Bible!”
If you’re reading this, you are more likely than not an active member of a faith community (perhaps even this one!). You may attend church regularly, either in person or virtually, and maybe you even engage in frequent prayer or mission work. But your Bible still might be dusty! So today we invite you to take National Today’s advice to heart and make an effort to dust it off in more ways than one.
First, consider checking our some Bible fun facts! It is not just a container for the guiding principles of billions of people, it’s also an incredible historical text. Start here and go wherever your curiosity takes you.
Next, crack open your Bible (physical or electronic) and connect directly with the scripture. You might begin with the passage read today during church – one that definitely invites a deeper look – and check out what comes right before and right after it. Perhaps that becomes a habit you continue each Sunday, not just on Bible Sunday. And if you’d like to take things a step further, you can even read your passages of interest in their original languages! We know, but don’t always think about, the fact that the Bible as we know it is a translation, mostly from either Hebrew or Greek depending on which book you’re reading. BibleHub hosts an “Interlinear” Bible – one where you can see the Hebrew or Greek characters alongside their transliteration AND their English translation. It’s such a cool way to experience the Bible; you can listen to the sounds of the passages in their original language (as approximate as your pronunciation might be) while simultaneously tracking the meaning of what you’re reading!’’
We hope your Bible Sunday is both challenging and fulfilling, and that it sparks an interest in continued exploration of the text. Perhaps you’ll even join a Bible study group here at Desert Mission! But regardless of how far you take it, having a little less dust on your Bible is a good thing.
How are you engaging with Bible Sunday? Share with us on Facebook or Instagram!